See the big picture in your data

Seamlessly capture, map, triage, and explore your data with Cymantix.

Your data co-captain

Feel confident navigating in an ocean of data. By capturing data with Shannon and mapping and exploring it with RUTHI, Cymantix enables you to get the most out of your information to make confident, data-driven decisions. 

Focus on what, and who, is in front of you

A show of hands if you empathize with:

  • Securely join or host meetings on Shannon hassle-free and with zero downloads.

  • Shannon enables you to get more out of meetings by capturing, storing, and reviewing meeting transcripts—individually or by the handful.

  • Explore individual or multiple Shannon transcripts in RUTHI to find connections and meaning you may have missed otherwise.

Discover more meaning in your data

Built for those looking for:

  • RUTHI provides a birds-eye exploration of information in public and private databases so you can find what’s relevant to you faster without having to manually sift through large amounts of data.

  • By visualizing data relativity and zooming in and out of clusters, see patterns and trends in your data that may not be immediately apparent otherwise.

  • Go from information overwhelm to information awe. With techniques such as keyword search and natural language processing, RUTHI allows you to uncover insights faster and make data-driven decisions.

The Mission

We are an information-retrieval company that builds sense-making tools for the intelligence and defense community to support mission operations

The Vision

We envision a world where we can enable thoughtful engagement with exponential information growth. We are committed to a user experience that prioritizes transparency, maximized security, and service based on empathy.